By Chuck Mullen, Chairman
I recently saw a meme of Back to the Future fare where Doc told Marty “whatever you do, don’t go to 2020.” Heck, the troubles have come so fast and furious, Doc could just have accurately said “don’t go to 2nd quarter 2020.” Two major crises have struck our country in less than three months, and at Apple Growth Partners, our response to both are identical. That is, we do our part to affect positive change within all means of our power.
Our Diversity & Inclusion initiative was never a drill, never theoretical. AGP firmly stands behind its mission to lead with inclusivity to foster diversity. And now, more than ever, and more specifically, AGP stands with the Black community and all families who have ever suffered racial injustice. Black lives matter.
While we are not the largest firm in the world, it is still our obligation as a community business to not be silent but rather stand up against any form of discrimination, first within our firm, and then within our communities. We lead this action through our D&I initiative through which the mission is very simple: be inclusive, be accepting. Simple. These are the basic tenets which lead to diversity and a country without discrimination. Simply accepting people for who they are, or where they are at in life, is not only a good start, but it’s also our firm’s way of making our community a better place. Thank you to all for day-in and day-out, living in this way.
All my best, Chuck