Apple Growth Partners

business advisory

Revving Up: How AI is Driving Car Wash Innovation

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, the car wash industry finds itself at an inflection point. As the world grapples with economic shifts, supply chain challenges, and changing consumer sentiments, there emerges a developing ‘toolbox’ of solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI). This transformative force, once confined to science fiction narratives, is now …

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Placing Growth at the Center of Your Business

Owning and operating a restaurant can have significant perks, with a side of complexities. Mainly, understanding and forecasting taxes for restaurants, which can cause headaches among other responsibilities. Proactive tax planning is a must and should be completed prior to 12/31 of the calendar year to identify opportunities. Tax rules often change; best practice recommends business owners should understand the rules as stated currently, while being aware of potential future changes.

Strategies for Growth

Business owners have likely seen the statistics stating how many small businesses won’t survive past the first two, five, or even 10 years from origination. The fight to overcome these statistics can be an excellent motivator and energizer, but how do leaders ensure their energy is directed at the “right” strategies that will succeed?

Growth doesn’t happen accidentally. A clear, actionable plan for growth is essential to remain strategic and intentional at every step and to ensure your business has every chance of long-term success.

Organizations can achieve growth through a plan that is clearly communicated, that puts purpose ahead of profits, and creates a culture of accountability.

I’d like to assemble an advisory board! Where do I start?

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader In my last article, I presented one of the benefits of an advisory boards as the ease of its creation. Though that is true, the upfront work should not be taken lightly. There is nothing worse than assembling the ‘wrong’ compensation of advisory board members.  Before fully greenlighting an advisory board, I encourage you to invest a full day workshop with your …

I’d like to assemble an advisory board! Where do I start? Read More »

The Advisory Board: Is it right for my organization?

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader How different the world looks and feels in March 2021? Crazy to think a little over thirteen months ago, I finished up my last business travel via air travel for an Advisory project. Since then, I have yet to step foot on a tarmac. Though ‘how’ we do business has changed drastically, our clients and customers are still …

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AGP Advisory: The Ultimate Financial Due Diligence Checklist

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader The merger and acquisition market remains active even through trying times. Over the past two years, an average of over 13,000 deals were completed for small and mid-size businesses—that’s over 35 deals a day. The act of buying or selling a business can be complex and time consuming. Luckily, we have provided some insight into …

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AGP Advisory: Sizing Up Additional Acquisition Risk

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader In performing financial due diligence, we get a chance to really peal back the layers of a company. That process can reveal additional areas within the business that should be considered prior to any acquisition closing. The fact of the matter is everything in life comes with a cost. Thus, even though the financial due diligence process may …

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AGP Advisory: Understanding and Managing the Adjustments

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader Our journey thus far has taken us through understanding what a quality of earnings (QofE) entails, how we define and assess the “quality” within earnings, and our work around the earnings and Net Working Capital (NWC). This leads us into the next topic that helps bring these projects all together—the adjustments. Let’s define the typical adjustments we …

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AGP Advisory: Rolling Up the Sleeves – Earnings and Net Working Capital (NWC)

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader In our third installment of this series, we want to get into the interworking of sound financial due diligence. We have already explained what high quality of earnings (QofE) can do, but what does a financial due diligence process look like for isolating and assessing earnings? All projects should focus on three key elements in this area  …

AGP Advisory: Rolling Up the Sleeves – Earnings and Net Working Capital (NWC) Read More »